The Knowledge Base

Kerry Moorse , founder of Funnel Sketchers

Why are we creating Sub-domains?

August 07, 20249 min read

What to do about domains and sub-domains??

Ok, so before we panic, I want to let you know one thing:
We can set this up FOR you.

Unless you use Wix, in that case read this article first.

I am going to give you an explanation of what this is all about and how it works.

We will identify your situation and take it from there.

Let's go....

The first bit - the explanation:

A domain
This is your online address. The thing you type into the search bar to bring up a page.
You can rent these online from places called 'registrars' usually for a small annual fee.
Unless you buy a very popular domain that everyone wants, and it could be a much larger fee!
You may have heard of some of these places to buy domains, such as Godaddy/ Ionos / 123 reg / Squarespace / Namecheap... there are LOTS out there.

You will need to buy a domain to connect it to Funnel Sketchers.

If you already have one in use with a website we can use that too!

And I recommend doing so. We need to be a little careful in doing so to make sure everything stays connected and I'll explain more on that below.

Your Website

Your online home lives on your website
This is where you are KNOWN and your business presence lives.
This website may be with us in Funnel Sketchers, or it may be external.
Or you might be like I was, and just have funnels as my main website for now!.

Your email address

Your main correspondence email address is the one you set up with your website domain
This is  your inbox where you do all your emailing and things.
You do not technically need one to send marketing emails in Funnel Sketchers, but it is a good thing to have so you can correspond with a professional email for your business,

Your DNS settings

These are settings that direct your domain name to your website pages and to your email address inbox.
They make sure that  is sent where it should go.
These DNS settings can only point your domain to one place at a time. 

-> I want my email to go to my inbox AND to send email on it using Funnel Sketchers

Funnel Skechers actually acts like an inbox and needs DNS settings to point to it.
We already know that and you cannot have settings to two places (in this case your inbox and Funnel Sketchers)
You could try, but your emails would get confused about where to go and then things get a bit messy.

So what we do instead:

We create a marketing email address for Funnel Sketchers as a sub-domain. This means with a word in front
Your marketing emails would then come from 
(Any word  can be placed infront of the @ symbol as a prefix once the subdomain is verified)

Why this is good:

You can build a send-reputation on your sub-domain, in a protected way. (This is how likely you are to hit the inbox)

Should you ever make lots of mistakes in sending and damage your send reputation, OR should someone ever spoof your marketing email, it will not affect your sending reputation of your main domain, and we can always make a new sub-domain to restart with. It keeps your brand protected.

(As a note - Spoofing is if  someone impersonates your email address to send spam -eeek! Don't worry it is rare, but sub domains allow us to protect our domain reputation). 

How will this work?

People will see your emails as coming from your sub-domain 

But if they reply, we set those emails can be set to go back to your real inbox, e.g in this example all replies are sent to

This means you only ever need to check one place for emails, and that is your main email address.

Then all you need to know officially is that your marketing 'FROM' email needs to be your sub-domain 

-> I want my domain to go to my website AND Funnel Sketchers.

In a similar way, your pages in funnel sketchers need a domain to be published on so they can be seen online..
We cannot connect a domain already in use with a website.
So we again use a subdomain where we put a word infront of the domain.


If you have no website, your main domain can be connected with no worries about sub-domains!
If you have a WordPress website, a plugin can pull those pages into your  website, so no one will ever see the sub-domain:
* If you have a different website type, then you can always link to your FS pages to it using your menu, buttons or links on your main website. Also forms, surveys and calendars can be embedded straight into your website too.

So what does this mean in terms of where to look for my things?

Funnel Sketchers - Sending marketing campaigns & creating funnels / Courses/ payments/calendars etc - all the online 'functions' stuff :)
Your real inbox - Go here for ALL email correspondence and conversations.
Your website - if you have an external website this stays here.

Let's get this set up! Here is your situation picker

Pick your number to define your situation - 1,2,3 or 4 so you can send us the right information to get your domain all set!

Your domain is new, or you are buying a new domain for Funnel Sketchers, and will not be having a website or main email address with this domain


Your domain has a website attached or you intend to have a website in the near-ish future.

AND You have no email inbox connected with this domain and no intentions to get one.


Your domain has an inbox (one or more) attached or you intend to have them in near the future.
AND You have no website connected with this domain and no intentions to get one.


Your domain has both a website AND inbox attached, or you intend to have these in the near future.

If you Chose 1.

Marketing email AND pages

We will connect your domain straight to Funnel Sketchers. No sub-domains needed.

You just need to let us know:

1. Where you purchased your domain name (with access)
2. The domain you wish to connect.
3. DECISION - Would you like a MAIN or SUB domain for your emails? If a sub-domain please let us know the sub-domain word.
4. The email address where replies should go if someone should reply to a marketing email.


My domain is, This is connected directly for my Funnel Sketchers pages

Marketing Email
You have no inboxes live, but in the explanation we explain it can be better to have a sub-domain for marketing. This is optional.

If I choose a sub-domain for my Funnel Sketchers Marketing Email and I choose the word 'info' we will connect for your email and I would send them from

If I choose to use my main domain, emails would come from

If you Chose 2.

For your Marketing Email - We will connect your main domain.
Pages - We will connect your sub domain domain to Funnel Sketchers.

You just need to let us know:

1. Where you purchased your domain name (with access)
2. The domain you wish to connect.
3. The Sub domain word you wish to use in front of your domain for pages.
4. DECISION - Would you like a MAIN or SUB domain for your emails? If a sub-domain please let us know the sub-domain word.
5. The email address where replies should go if someone should reply to a marketing email.


My domain is for my website.
I can chose a sub-domain for my Funnel Sketchers pages.
If I choose the word 'welcome' we will connect to your pages

Marketing Email
You have no inboxes live, but in the explanation we explain it can be better to have a sub-domain for marketing. This is optional.

If I choose a sub-domain for my Funnel Sketchers Marketing Email and I choose the word 'info' we will connect for your email and I would send them from

If I choose to use my main domain, emails would come from

If you Chose 3.

For your Marketing Email - We will connect your Sub domain.
Pages - We will connect your main domain

You just need to let us know:

1 Where you purchased your domain name (with access)
2. The domain you wish to connect.
3. The Sub Domain word you wish to use for your email address
4. The email address where replies should go if someone should reply to a marketing email.


My domain is, This is connected directly for my Funnel Sketchers pages

Marketing Email
I have an inbox for the address:
I can chose a sub-domain for my Funnel Sketchers Marketing Email
If I choose the word 'info' we will connect for your email and I would send them from

If you Chose 4.

For your Marketing Email - We will connect a sub-domain.
Pages - We will connect a sub domain domain

You just need to let us know:

1 - Where you purchased your domain name (with access)
2. - The domain you wish to connect.
3. The Sub domain word you wish to use for pages.
4. The Sub Domain word you wish to use for your email address
(These subdomains must be different words)
5. The email address where replies should go if someone should reply to a marketing email.


My domain is for my website.
I can chose a sub-domain for my Funnel Sketchers pages.
If I choose the word 'welcome' we will connect to your pages

Marketing Email
I have an inbox for the address:
I can chose a sub-domain for my Funnel Sketchers Marketing Email
If I choose the word 'info' we will connect for your email and I would send them from

If you feel stuck at all, please do reach out!

In your corner,

Feel confident to dive in and do it yourself?

How to add your page domain.

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